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Leadership Metaphor Explorer™: LME in the military

Saturday, January 29, 2011

LME in the military

Leadership Metaphor Explorer in a military environment
A team from the Center for Creative Leadership recently used Leadership Metaphor Explorer as part of a design in working with senior military leaders. We hope to be able to share the full design and story in the future. In the meantime we just wanted to let you know it worked well in helping the group to clarify their current and future required states of leadership (below). It's not that the cards somehow measure or predict those states. Rather, the power of the tool is to help people have an open and honest conversation, with interesting images and metaphors "in the middle" to focus attention, and channel agreement and disagreement. Digital images of the cards then serve as reminders of the conversation and it's conclusions. Notice the shift in intent toward more interdependent, and independent leadership (blue and green titles respectively) and away from dependent leadership (red titles.)


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